Business Advise and Development Welcome to Única Investimentos (Unica Investments) Learn more about us International operations EXPANDING the frontiers of GROWTH TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS AGILITY AND EFFICIENCY in business management VALUE RELATIONSHIPS With a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE in long-term investments AGRIBUSINESS Expertise to address the IMPORTANCE and COMPLEXITY of the sector STARTUPS Investments in INNOVATIVE and scalable MODELS EXPORT Stability and independence due to the EXPANSION of the client portfolio ABROAD

Nice to meet you! We are Unica Investimentos (Unica Investments)


When companies faced with more dynamic and competitive market due to the establishment of the globalization of productions, technologies, and organizations, they realized the advantages of concentrating their attention to core business, leaving issues such as seeking investments and business feasibility on hands of specialized advisor’s companies.

When thinking about fundamental attributes such as integrity, strategic vision, knowledge of operations, negotiation skills and coordination of work with a focus on results, ÚnicaInvestments are here to support you.

Unica Investments is formed by talented and motivated professionals for the continuous business development and strategic relationships with partners around the world.

Our Values

  • Focus on the customer
  • Broad view
  • Growth by Result
  • Respect to customer, employees, suppliers, community and environment
  • Readiness
  • Ethics
  • Valuing people


Strategic vision

Knowledge, experience and information towards robust action and business plan

Structured action

Definition of priorities, objectives and goals based on the needs, advantages and vulnerabilities of the business

Robust trading

Strength, persistence and sagacity through the joint action of a qualified team ready to act in each phase of the negotiation


Focus, attention, and resources directed towards the achievement of customer’s desired objectives and goals

More than symbology


Nobility, agility, freedom, victorious spirit, determination and overcoming are part of its natural abilities, making the eagle a unique animal, whose symbology remind us of the greatness and luminosity of this wonderful being.

Many are the lessons it inspires us.

Attention and readiness to spread your wings and take flight at any time...

By soaring, he dominates space and through the ability to fly high and above the clouds, it achieves a privileged perspective in relation to other beings.

From above, with his long-range vision, it can make out a small prey on the ground at 5,000 meters. It has the ability to see his goals clearly and in a panoramic way, drawing up a plan of attack and descending at an impressive speed to achieve them.

Its hunting skills mean that he spends very little time on this task, reaching his goal from a direct and accurate plan.

It also inspires great power of transformation and overcoming for those who want to get out of their comfort zones, reminding us that when change is imminent, there is only one option: Participate in it so as not to succumb to the inevitable.

The eagle not only lends us its symbology, but also inspires Unica Investments to bring to the market strategic skills to operate in a globalized world and at a high speed of transformation.

Our Services



Business Structuring – Advisory, Preparation to Due Diligences, Corporate Governance, Certification and Preparation to External and Internal Auditing

With a focus on making our clients' businesses not only viable, but also sustainable in all spheres, we work from internal alignment, financial and strategic structuring to introduction of innovations, creation of new products and business models for better market positioning and performance, aiming to take advantage of opportunities and enable competitive advantages.

Commercial Advisory for the Promotion of Special Businesses – Identification and Qualification of Opportunities, Conducting Studies, Operationalization of Negotiations and Commercial Contracts

  • Commercial and Operational Advice for Exports
  • Asset Acquisitions and Mergers – "M&A"
  • Strategic and financial advice for fundraising for startups
  • Advice and Support for Equity Investments
  • Overseas vendor development and as risk assessment (especially to China & Brazil)
  • Recovery of Tax Credits

"We want to act actively and effectively, facilitating operations and business for companies, investors and startups, always in an ethical and legal manner, recognized for our ability to identify good investments, streamline negotiations and present good results in the shortest possible time."


Our main focusis our customers, for whom we offer solutions through qualified services, always attentive to new market trends, aiming at the best cost-benefit ratio.

We understand that the success of the business depends on our agility and ability to identify, understand and work on the most varied solutions for our customers.

We connect with people and companies through the desire to grow and achieve exceptional results.

We respect our clients and the construction of their stories, always treating their questions, information and business in a discreet and confidential way.

We carry out our decisions and actions with the good will, promptness, clearness and speed demanded by the dynamics of the sector in which we work.

We promote good coexistence between customers, suppliers, partners and competitors. Our conduct and decisions are guided by ethics and values established by society, covering the legal, social, organizational and individual levels.

We value all people, not only those who work directly with us, but also those with whom we relate outside the company: customers, suppliers and partners. We try to treat possible differences or divergences as an opportunity to add value and stimulate individual and team development.


Eduardo Gobbo


Has built his professional career in national and international companies, aimed at the market for the provision of engineering services, logistics structuring, aviation, technology, hospitality, transportation and tourism.
Today, as an entrepreneur, Eduardo seeks niches that focus on strategic development in the business management plan. It maintains relationships in the most varied spheres of business administration.

Alfredo Benito

Production Engineer from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP) with a postgraduate degree in Business Administration (FGV-SP) and Law from the São Francisco School of the University of São Paulo

With more than 30 years of executive experience, he served as CFO at WHITH-WHITEHALL, SYNGENTA, MONSANTO, ANGLO AMERICAN-COPEBRAS, LENOVO, SAMSUNG and AVIVA GROUP. He also headed ERICSSON's Chief Financial Officer.
During his professional career, he has led M&A transactions, financing operations with BNDES, Project & Customer Finance operations, debt and capital restructuring as well as FIDC programs. He chaired the Board of Directors of PREVI-ERICSSON and MDM SEMENTES.

Catherine Bao

Graduated in Finance, Accounting and Business Management (Nottingham University/UK) with a master's degree in International Banking and Economics (Cardiff University/UK)

Extensive experience in audit and credit at YEE KONG INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD and LENOVO GROUP LTD as well in several strategic projects, including M&A, Credit Insurance broker business, Global Supply Chain, Supply Chain Financing, Big Data & Intelligent Risk Control IT Platform.

Renata Dunk

BA with emphasis on foreign trade and law, with a specialization in international law from the WTO-Chair

Renata is internationalist, Export and Import Culture Specialist (certified by the eBSI Export Academy in Ireland.
She has been working for 27 years as a market specialist, having in her history the experience of having become a statutory director of the largest foreign trade company in Latin America at the time (Cotia Trading) at the age of 28. He has worked for companies such as: AVON, Pepsico Group, AOL, and Hyundai Brazil Group.
Since 2014 she has been a consultant and mentor at RDUNCK, a company that advises the Sinopec Group (3rd largest company in the world), Jindal Group, Adeo Group (owner of Leroy Merlin/Decathlon, Zôdio), IKEA, AEGEA Sanemaneto, among others. He worked for 3 years on the FIESP project on the export of small and medium industrial and works in partnership with the house until today.

José Rita Moreira

BA and Economist with a postgraduate degree in Financial Management and Controllership from FGV-SP

He is a consultant by notorious specialization of IPT for projects at ARTESP, consultant for IDB and EMBRAER and member of the Board of Directors of MS SCHIPERS, CONFINA, CONSTRUTORA PLANO and BOTAFOGO FUTEBOL S/A.
Moreira is a managing partner of the BLB Auditores e Consultores Group and was Municipal Secretary of Administration of the City of Ribeirão Preto/SP and professor of undergraduate and graduate courses and is a specialist in Succession Planning, Corporate and Corporate Governance.

Osvaldo Vital

BA (FAI and Anhembi-Morumbi/São Paulo) with a postgraduate degree in Finance from FGV/São Paulo (1996) and specialization in leadership programs to CFOs from INSEAD (2019, Lenovo/Campus Singapore)

He is a member of IBTC and a treasury strategist consultant, having worked as a financial executive in large companies, such as LENOVO/MOTOROLA, SONY ERICSSON, ERICSSON, GRADIENTE and ALCOA.
Osvaldo has extensive experience in structuring and assembling business plans as well as in operational activities involving controllership (BS, P&L, pricing, etc.) and treasury (cash conversion cycle, credit & collection, insurance, foreign exchange, investments, drawn risk and funding prospecting. Osvaldo was a university professor of Statistics and International Market and visited clients and participated in several workshops abroad (USA, LatAM, Europe and Asia).

Eduardo Preto

Corporate Real Estate Consultant, bachelor's degree in administration from EAESP FGV

He has been involved in industrial, logistics, corporate and commercial real estate transactions for over 30 years. As a partner in the company AMAC PARTNERS, he was a consultant for NOVARTIS and RHODIA. In the CHUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD consultancy, he served companies such as ERICSSON, LUCENT and PHILIPS. At FACIMOB, he has been working in the local market of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro as a marketing coordinator in the sale and rental of medium-sized properties, for business owners and investors such as MAHLE, METAL LEVE and AF REALTY.

Ervino Schnarndorf

Mechanical Engineer (UFRGS) with an MBA in Foreign Trade from ESPM/SP and complementary courses in AI, Planning, Purchasing and 6Sigma.

Manager of large startup projects (Brazil and America) with strategic vision and critical business sense, he has developed teams in companies such as HP, DELL and LENOVO in LatAM. Focused on productivity and high performance with a focus on intelligent Supply Chain and process optimization (Schneider Electric, AGCO and Smith & Nephew). Business consultant and project manager and member of boards of directors. Ervino is specialist in supply chain management, materials planning, supplier development, operations, warehouses, materials management, transportation/distribution of products for transactional or customized operations (B2B, B2C). Experience in order management, call centers, customer service connecting them with modern practices of S&OP, S&OE, SIOP to the core business of companies.


Relationships goes beyond business! They are relationships of trust, built over time and work.

We nourish partners specialized in their respective areas of expertise adding value and confidence to our customers, by optimizing efforts and maximizing results.

We allocate partners to each project or business in a timely manner, making the supply chain more solid and aligned with the demands of our customers in a joint and synchronized way.

Some Cases


In 2019 we started the export process of a furniture industry in Ceará. The company went from "O" to the first export business in 16 months and during this period, it won contracts with the USA and Europe, in addition to importing machinery for the expansion of the factory to serve the foreign market". Today, 2021, the factory is 55% export and 45% international market. Its turnover grew by 69% and continues to increase, given the increased production capacity project.


The mobilization required by a highly complex project, due to the simultaneity of the actions, challenged us with the sense of urgency in delivering the necessary actions for the internationalization of a furniture industry, located in the Northeast region of Brazil. It took 7 months for the structuring phase including: market positioning, team training, contract drafting, international prospecting and operational coordination. From the "O" moment to the first export, it took 13 months for the company to start its exports, including countries such as the USA, Portugal, Panama and South Africa (2019-2021).


Joining forces with national and international companies from countries such as China and Germany, we are acting as consultants, operating together with players in the sustainability market for a clean energy project, produced by wind and solar plants in the Northeast Region. (2021 and expected to be completed in 2022).


With a history of efficiency in our operations, but with greater flight plans for the coming years, we are currently working on the restructuring for growth of two major players in the pharmaceutical sector (2021 and expected delivery in 2023).


  1. Financial restructuring of agricultural cooperatives among the TOP 5 in Brazil (with operating revenues of R$ 21 billion and R$ 22.7 billion), defining a new corporate governance model, improving financial control and cash flow reports, redefining the financial structure of cooperatives and financing strategy, aiming to increase animal protein export operations and integration of production chains.
  2. Restructuring of financial and governance processes for sowing among the Brazilian TOP 10, allowing the tripling of operating revenue and financial results (EBITDA and Net Income) in three years.
  3. Implementation of the "Order to Cash" project. The execution of this process dealt with diagnoses, recommendations and policies for the financial cycle of operation from Purchases/Sales to Payment/Receipt. The scope of the work involved the creation of Credit Assessment and Limit Granting policies (PF and PJ); Placing and approving orders, invoicing and receiving; Purchases (productive, non-productive, freight and royalties); Controllership (Reports and Indicators), Treasury (A/R, BDP & A/P) and Reassessment of the Organizational Structure (Organizational Chart of the Financial Area with SSC incentive).


An operation carried out in 2018 between MOTOROLA and its main supplier brought annual results in the order of USD10M due to the trade-off between banking cost versus hedge plus financial cost of the vendor. This procedure required efforts to increase local bank lines in the order of USD800M.


The report considered 3 main points: 1) company data (summary, profile, shareholder information, key personnel, corporate structure, and risk size); 2) technical criteria in relation to liquidity, indebtedness and profitability, payment performance and market notes and 3) technical visit (interview with CFO).

In some cases, it was possible to address solutions or alternatives with a focus on ensuring responsibilities that could mitigate the risk (Escrow Account and pre-shipment inspections).



Conduction of several M&A processes in the industrial sectors of energy (industrial cables and energy accumulation), agribusiness (corn, soybean and cotton) and electronics industry (IT).


Management of operations implementation/production and distribution planning projects in Brazil and Latin America for HP, DELL and LENOVO involving the entire international and local supply chain with disruptive customs processes in procurement and/or distribution focusing on local competitiveness (tax incentives) of manufactured or distributed products. In these companies, disruptive export projects were also implemented, with local incentives, bringing significant margins to the business. Purchasing/inventory management volume in the order of $1B/year on average in these companies


Recovery of operational procurement capacity, as well as the development of purchasing, planning and inventory management at SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC. The distribution of the largest electronic board factory in Mexico resulted in a 30% increase in sales. Part of the team that introduced SIOP, S&OP, S&OE processes in the North America operation with significant operational cost reduction impacts to the operation. The company has become #1 Gartner in Global Planning Methods.


INBRASC 2018 Best Procurement Consulting Award (SIMBIO) with several projects to optimize procurement processes and customer operations in Brazil